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Malaysia’s tag is currently “Malaysia, Truly Asia.” The tagline was chosen to offer the tourist a multi-cultural experience. However, some have argued that the top of mind recall of Asia is one of dirt, grime and cheap labor. Others have pointed out that tourists who are seeking a culture experience will go to the birthplace of the culture?e.g., India, China. Yet others have observed that Hong Kong has also used the same message calling itself “Asia’s World City,” while Singapore has used the tagline “New Asia.” Indonesia carries on the same theme with “Endless Beauty of Diversity.”
According to Tourism Malaysia, nearly 8 million tourists visited Malaysia in 1998, the year before the campaign began. Figures for 2003 show 13.3 million tourists, and already +10 million tourists have visited in 2004 (figures from January through August). Ministry officials are upbeat that the total figures for this year will exceed 15 million, which they translate into earnings of US$ 8 billion, compared with 6.8 billion from 2003.
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投稿者 鶴野充茂 : 2004年10月05日 12:00
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